Yes, Virginia, There is Such a Thing as HTML-formatted Text in tvOS

There’s been a lot of hand-wringing about the lack of web view functionality on the new 4th generation Apple TV. If your company is planning a tvOS app, you may be concerned that there is no way to display HTML on the new Apple TV because it doesn’t have a web browser. Even though many iOS apps don’t display a browser window per se, they do use a “web view” to show static but highly formatted HTML text. It’s just a lot easier than creating “attributed text” by hand or a complex series of labels in your app.

Well, fear not, because this is very possible on tvOS.

Apple TV screenshot of Greann Gaeilge app, showing HTML-formatted text.

Apple TV screenshot of Greann Gaeilge app, showing HTML-formatted text.

I’ll explain how my app Greann Gaeilge did just that.

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