Nokia X Services SDK

Yesterday, at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Nokia announced the Nokia X, a line of Android (AOSP)-based smartphones that use Microsoft services instead of Google Play services.

Nokia Developer now has an SDK available for those who want to integrate with those services on Nokia X-compatible apps.

It installs a Nokia X virtual device, so even if you’re not developing for the Nokia X now, you can get a feel for what Android connecting to Microsoft services feels like.

I just tried it out and, oddly, it doesn’t use Bing for search, but rather uses Google. The contacts & calendar apps and “Add Account” in the Settings app, however, do ask for Exchange credentials. (I just did some more research and it looks like this virtual device is just for testing your services–it doesn’t look like the UI on the actual Nokia X phone, and doesn’t include all the bundled apps such as Bing and Outlook.)


Nokia X and Samsung Galaxy S5 debut at Mobile World Congress 2014

Two major new phones debuted in Barcelona at this year’s Mobile World Congress: The Nokia X and the Samsung Galaxy S5. One is more interesting than the other, and you may be surprised which one that is.

First, the Galaxy S5. Much as the iPhone 5S was an update on the iPhone 5, the Galaxy S5 is Continue reading


Are Sapphire Screens the Key to Hardened Mobile Devices for the Enterprise?

Sapphire screens have made a big splash in the rumor mill lately for the next generation of iPhones. All the stories I’ve read tout sapphire’s scratch resistance, shatter-resistance, and even caustic substance resistance as great for consumers–but what about the enterprise?

In the days of yore, Windows CE handhelds were available from some  manufacturers as ‘hardened’ devices to withstand the rigors of factories, and use by field workers and healthcare workers. However, two things conspire against the availability of hardened devices in the age of iOS and Android:  Continue reading


Last Day for Early Bird Discount at Modern Apps Live in Vegas

I will be giving a talk on enterprise iOS development for Windows Azure at the Modern Apps Live conference. This is held next month in Las Vegas.

The whole conference is about using Azure as a back end for apps written for iOS, Android, WinPhone8, Windows 8, and the Web (responsive design).

The talks are about the design and coding of Continue reading
